Our vision of social responsibility

At Diagnostyka, we have implemented and we continuously improve an environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 standard. In accordance with that standard, we carry out regular audits of the system.


Environmental policy

Diagnostyka is constantly developing and improving in order to provide Patients and Business Partners with the highest quality services. Our aim is to maintain a strong position in the medical market in the field of laboratory diagnostics, thus ensuring that our partners are fully satisfied with the cooperation and feel that they are receiving the best service. We want to achieve this through, among other things, easy access to advanced diagnostic solutions, the widest coverage, the largest range of tests on the market and a friendly service, while respecting the environment.

Diagnostyka takes a responsible approach to environmental topics, identifying two key topics for the company: waste management, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions.
We identify and monitor main environmental indicators, then present them per diagnostic test performed.

ESG Reports for 2021

“We plan to electrify the courier car fleet, further optimise courier routes with the support of a courier app, prepare a plan to optimise media consumption”

eco auto

We bet on the future!
Our goal for the years to come under our Environmental Policy is the electrification of transport at Diagnsotyka. This will minimise the CO2 emissions. Our project assumes that by the end of 2025 the majority of our courier fleet will be replaced with electric cars. In addition, we assume the construction of our own vehicle charging stations and at locations administered by Diagnostyka we will also install photovoltaic systems sufficient to charge our electric cars.
Investment in electric cars will speed up the delivery of samples and therefore increase guarantees of the validity of results.


Our environmental footprint

As part of our activities, we have identified environmental aspects that particularly concern us:

With a view to continuous improvement in the area of waste management, as well as legal requirements related to hazardous and non-hazardous waste management, we ensure that waste is properly handled and managed in a way that is safe for people and the environment. DIAGNOSTYKA measures and discloses information on the management of waste generated.

We monitor in detail all waste generation indicators. Waste supervision and management consists in its correct collection and marking. In these processes, the protection of workers and subcontractors who come into contact with this waste and are exposed to infectious materials. We implement detailed operating procedures for handling hazardous waste and disinfection procedures for personnel, in compliance with applicable standards.

The activities we carry out to reduce waste in the organisation:
- monitoring technological consumption of chemical reagents and small laboratory equipment
- rational purchase and specific procedures for the replacement of computer equipment
- organisational culture related to reducing office paper consumption
- the reuse of packaging in laboratories
- recovery and recycling of packaging put on the market

miejsce dla każdego

Diagnostyka is a place for everyone

profesjonalna obsługa

Our outlets are places of professionalism and kindness

wyniki laboratoryjne

It is worth putting your health in the hands of specialists

diagnostyka laboratorium

Diagnostyka's modern laboratories allow you to do more!

sportowe pasje

Sport is health, and we value health highly

profilaktyka raka Szyjki macicy

We care about the health of the environment, the health of our employees and good condition of their bicycles


Air pollution from CO2 emissions associated with maintaining our own vehicle fleet was identified by us as a significant environmental aspect. DIAGNOSTYKA carried out an energy audit which covered facilities owned and leased by Diagnostyka S.A. The audit covered all Sampling Labs and laboratories with Sampling Labs throughout Poland.

Diagnostyka has a fleet policy whereby cars are replaced every five years or after 200,000 kilometres. Transition to electric cars is being planned. The installation of photovoltaic panels on our own facilities is also being considered. It will allow the vehicles and laboratories to be partly powered by RES and reduce the CO2 emissions emitted by courier vehicles.

Diagnostyka, in line with its policy, will invest in further automation of testing processes, state-of-the-art laboratory testing equipment, increased testing volumes and improved energy efficiency ratios. Diagnostyka measures and discloses information on the energy consumption in the organisation.

Carbon footprint

Diagnostyka‘s management attaches great importance to the organisation's impact on climate change and the calculation of its carbon footprint. An in-depth emission source inventory and carbon footprint calculation was carried out for 2021.
In the following years, it is planned to continue these calculations and to perform a carbon footprint calculation.

At DIAGNOSTYKA we have identified the following significant environmental aspects:
- air pollution caused by CO2 emissions connected with our vehicle fleet,
- air pollution caused by waste incineration (process carried out externally by the waste incinerator).

Direct greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of Diagnostyka operations are associated with the combustion of natural gas in stationary installations and fuels in the engines of the company's own fleet cars, as well as refrigerant leaks. Indirect energy emissions arise from the electricity and thermal energy purchased by Diagnostyka.

With a view to continuous improvement in the area of Diagnostyka's impact on air pollution and climate change, as well as future regulations related to greenhouse gas emissions, Diagnostyka measures and discloses information on its carbon footprint.